Why Use Steroids for Bodybuilding?


It is no secret that bodybuilding and steroid use go hand in hand. But, why do bodybuilders use steroids, and is it really necessary? In the following article, we will look at the answers of both these questions.

The Reason Why Bodybuilders Use Steroids

Although there is a huge debate over the use of steroids in bodybuilding, the reason why bodybuilders use them is simple. They use them because they are the fastest way to bulk up. Particularly at a competitive level, bodybuilders need the edge that steroids give them.

However, it should be pointed out that steroids alone do not make big and well-toned muscles. Men and women that use steroids still need to work out and definitively still need to be careful with their day to day food intake and overall diet.

Are They Necessary?

The answer to this question really depends on a person’s individual goals that they want to achieve from bodybuilding. Realistically, if you wanted to take bodybuilding seriously on a competition level, and wanted that truly awe-inspiring physique, you would have to take some form of steroids.

That’s not to say that you couldn’t compete if you weren’t using steroids and couldn’t have a good body, it’s just if you want to be the best of the best – steroids are the best way to give you best chances of doing it.

Steroids are a Just a Piece of a Bigger Puzzle

It’s worth remembering that even if you agree and believe that steroid use is necessary for competitive bodybuilding, it is merely an important piece of a bigger puzzle. Steroid use will in no way, shape or form replace smart nutrition or good training and work out practices. Rather, the stronger a grasp on nutrition an individual has, the more effective their use of steroids will be, leading to much better results.

Another piece of the puzzle of being successful at competitive bodybuilding is the part your genetic structure and genetic response to steroid play. This is why some bodybuilders do better than others because their genetic makeup means that their body responds better to anabolic steroids and subsequently yields better results.

So, why do men and women use steroids in bodybuilding and is it really necessary? While it is not entirely necessary, if you really want to succeed at the higher levels of bodybuilding you need to consider using steroids, as well as working out sensibly and making good decisions when it comes to your nutrition intake.